Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Craig is said to have suffered a stroke and to be in bad shape.

At the time, Craig appears to have been destitute and living in a care facility in Kissimmee, Florida.   Normally, when you hear someone has suffered this kind of trauma it is appropriate to wish them the best and hope they recover. 

My first reaction was relief that a sexual predator, a psychopath who had destroyed uncounted lives to feed his sexual fantasies has been, if not stopped, then handicapped and is no longer as able to carry out his predatory behavior.

Last night, while on the phone with yet another friend who called me to find out if I knew forced me to go through the logical steps so he could see the world through the eyes of the highly intelligent psychopath. 

Step One 
     You never have a relationship with the psychopath in your life any more than a steak or the cow slaughtered to provide it, has a 'relationship' with the one who licks his chops and consumes it. 

     We make the mistake of projecting our feelings on to the psychopath and continue to operate under the unconscious assumption they feel empathy.   This puts you in very real and immediate danger.  Stop doing it. 

     Successful psychopaths practice emulating emotion, but it is not real. It is there so they can get you to trust them and take from you what they want.  The moment you are not giving them what they want they will either abandon you or finish stripping you of what they wanted. 

    Craig is a little more complex.  His goal is building a trust in you so he can then hit you with a barrage of Shock and Awe which will destroy your confidence as a human  being.  His primary goal is little girls who trust him and view him as a father figure.  But he does the same to women, which his victims all too often overlook when he comes back for a second round of the same thing. 

    This is how he was able to make his long time victim, Anne X, homeless and bankrupt twice. 

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